Thursday, September 14, 2017

Healthy Solutions

Healthy Solutions
By:"David N. Russell","Lynn Wiese Sneyd"
Published on 2006 by Basic Health Publications, Inc.

Each one of us is a marvelous unity of body, mind, and spirit, all working together in a single person. Health, by definition, deals with the whole person, not just the body and its tissues or the mind and its emotions. Our health is dependent on the integrated function of all our biological systems, as well as our mind and spirit.Because health is something that belongs to each one of us, our health is our own personal issue, not our doctors' or therapists'. Health is very intimate and personal, and each individual needs to take responsibility for what todo and how it should be done.The information in Healthy Solutions can help readers maintain and enhance their own health. Readers will:Come to understand how natural medicine viewshealth, disease, and healing.Learn to interpret the body's reactions to illness.Become familiar with self-care remedies for more than50 health conditions.Learn how to use homeopathic tissue salts for treating symptoms.Master the therapeutic uses of herbs, spices, and foods.Healing is not just a matter of eliminating a symptom but deeply involves our growth and development as a person. We can only become healthy when we are willing to become truly active in our own healing processes. This book invites readers to participate in this process of becoming whole and healthy. It provides a greater understanding of healing and information on safe and effective do-it-yourself therapies to maintain a vibrant life.

This Book was ranked 34 by Google Books for keyword i want 6 pack abs.

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