Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Abs Revealed: Enhanced Edition

Abs Revealed: Enhanced Edition
By:"Jonathan Ross"
Published on 2010-09-30 by Human Kinetics

Chiseled abs, a defined midsection, and a powerful core require more than sit-ups, crunches, and the latest miracle diet. To achieve true six-pack success, you’re going to need a plan—one based on the most effective exercises and sound programming. You need Abs Revealed: Enhanced Edition. In Abs Revealed: Enhanced Edition, award-winning personal trainer Jonathan Ross provides a complete program for strengthening, sculpting, and maintaining your midsection. More than a collection of exercises, Abs Revealed: Enhanced Edition shows you how to fire your ab muscles with 60 core exercises demonstrated through 30 video clips and 62 slideshows. Regardless of your current fitness level you’ll be able to identify your goals and develop a personalized workout program to fit your schedule with progressions built in for quick and clear results. This results-oriented, step-by-step guide also includes ready-to-use workout plans and advice on integrating abdominal development into cardio and strength routines. Moreover, you’ll discover strategies for applying the latest research on diet and nutrition to enhance and maintain muscle definition and tone throughout the year. If you’re tired of doing endless crunches with limited results, let the video clips and slideshows in Abs Revealed: Enhanced Edition show you a better way. With proven plans and personalized programming, it’s your step–by-step guide to six-pack success.

This Book was ranked 2 by Google Books for keyword six pack workout program.

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